Introduction An activity that looks at links between our „enemies“ and ourselves and how our view of our „enemies“ can tell us a lot about …
Introduction An activity about basic human rights. which asks whether there are ways of treating people which are always wrong, no matter what the situation. …
Introduction An exercise exploring the ways of the Media, and people’s reactions to it, especially in relation to vulnerable groups. Process 1. Have a large …
Introduction A few activities to encourage people to consider the nature and power of humour and to look at the necessity and danger of humorous …
Introduction An inter-active activity to demonstrate cooperation and acceptance of difference. This is often the hidden aim. The introduction can state this or it can …
Introduction A game best used as an energizer, after lunch or a break away from each other. Not advised as an icebreaker. A short, fun …
Introduction Any work that asks people to look at topics of a controversial kind or to use imagination and explore feelings can only succeed if …
Introduction An activity showing the power of the selection of images and words for television. Allows consideration of some practical, creative and ethical issues about …
Game time: 30 minutes Game, 45-60 minutes discussion =75-90 min Trainer: 1-2 Delegates: ideal about 12 – 16 Split the delegates into 2 groups; if …
You traveled with your group from your home on a ship, unfortunately your ship wrecked. Luckily all could be rescued and landed safely on a …
You travelled with your group from your home on a ship, unfortunately your ship wrecked. Luckily all could be rescued and landed safely on a …
TIME: 1 HOUR It is becoming more obvious that projects which simply “deliver service” to communities are not effective. Much more efficient and effective are …
TIME: 1 HOUR OBJECTIVES: 1. To introduce participants and trainers, present and/or adjust the training program, suggest common training norms and agree on the way …
A. Images of other countries Exercise: 1. Write down 3 negative characteristics of your fellow countrymen 2. Let your neighbor say the same three things …
Goals and Flow of Simulation Albatros can be used for the preparation of intercultural learning. It is based on experimental learning and consists of two …
Komunikácia Slovo komunikácia sa vyvinulo z lat. communicare, čo znamená deliť sa, zverovať. Vo všeobecnosti znamená komunikácia rozhovor. V širšom zmysle je komunikácia výmena informácií …
Definícia operačného manažmentu Operačný manažment má za úlohu zabezpečiť tvorbu produktov takých parametrov, ktoré nájdu efektívne uplatnenie na trhu a uspokoja potreby zákazníkov. V operačnom …
Podnikové financie je sústava peňažných vzťahov, do ktorých podnik vstupuje pri získavaní finančných zdrojov, pri ich alokovaní a viazaní v jednotlivých zložkách majetku, pri produktívnom …
Čo je účtovníctvo? Účtovníctvo predstavuje relatívne uzatvorený a vnútorne usporiadaný systém informácií, ktorý poskytuje informácie v peňažnom vyjadrení o hospodárskej činnosti podniku a o jej …
Otázky na štátne záverečné skúšky z Manažmentu Vypracované otázky na štátne záverečné skúšky z Manažmentu. 75 okruhov a vypracovaných tém na štátnice z ekonomického predmetu …
Veľká hospodárska kríza bola celosvetová ekonomická kríza, ktorá začala v roku 1929 a trvala rôzne dlho v rôznych krajinách. Ovplyvnené boli takmer všetky krajiny. Patrila …